1.0 Storyboards 1.1 Task 1 - garbage disposal service 1.2 Task 2 - Schedule a visit tour 1.3 Task 3 - Pay the bills 2.0 Alternative Designs 2.1 Crazy 8 Design 1 – Liz Wong Wan Qi 2.2 Crazy 8 Design 2 – Hou Zhi Zheng Task 1 disposal garbage Task 2 visit tour Task 3 payment 2.3 Crazy 8 Design 3 – Fu Wan Qian 2.4 Crazy 8 Design 4 – Su Yu 2.5 Vote of design 3.0 Wireframes The general view: the following link can open the figma page https://www.figma.com/file/w9rcUIrbXgwhKqF2vv84YA/Untitled?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=A7wxM5IaZthC3TYk-1 Part 1 - login: In the login part, we use art lettering, the main body in black and interspersed green, to set up special commemorative digital pages. Thus, maintain the consistency of the design. The login pages contain the textbox of username and password with the login button, this has provided the clear instruction for user understanding. The home page provides the summary of the user on how ma...