T his is a website mainly provide services to community residences and business entity for garbage handling. The name of this website is calling R***KE . I t actually contains F or Home: T rash collection: dependable weekly garbage pickup at and affordable rate C T rash carts: sturdy garbage bin options designed for the outdoors R ecycling: curb side recycling services keep your home green C urb side Guidelines: guidelines for waste and recycling collection at your curb L arge Cleanups: roll off dumpster, bulk pick up service and more Y ard Waste: yard debris pickup services to keep your lawn tidy Batt ery Disposal: guidelines to properly dispose of batteries P ortable Restrooms: wide variety of portable toilet rental options for any occasion F or Business: Office Solutions: office recycling, trash service, and custom solutions C onstructions Solutions: construction waste disposal , portable toilets and more I ndustrial Solutions: industrial waste management services C...
2.0 Task Analysis 2.1 Introduction The website that we choose to approve is Rumpke website, a comprehensive platform offering waste management services to both community residents and business entities. The website aims to provide convenient and specialized solutions for garbage disposal, ranging from trash collection and recycling to large cleanups and industrial waste management. Despite its extensive offerings, the Rumpke website currently faces several Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) challenges, impacting user engagement and satisfaction. The three tasks chosen for observation during the user analysis are as follows: Task 1: Disposal of Garbage Task 2 : Visit Tour Task 3 : Payment 2.2 Derivation of HTA a) HTA for Task 1 - { Disposal of Garbage (Main Functional task) } User 1: Potential employee - Mr. Dong Fu Schedule Weekly Garbage Pickup Link : https://techtinkerteam.blogspot.com/p/persona-1.html User 2: Business entity – M...
1.0 Storyboards 1.1 Task 1 - garbage disposal service 1.2 Task 2 - Schedule a visit tour 1.3 Task 3 - Pay the bills 2.0 Alternative Designs 2.1 Crazy 8 Design 1 – Liz Wong Wan Qi 2.2 Crazy 8 Design 2 – Hou Zhi Zheng Task 1 disposal garbage Task 2 visit tour Task 3 payment 2.3 Crazy 8 Design 3 – Fu Wan Qian 2.4 Crazy 8 Design 4 – Su Yu 2.5 Vote of design 3.0 Wireframes The general view: the following link can open the figma page https://www.figma.com/file/w9rcUIrbXgwhKqF2vv84YA/Untitled?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=A7wxM5IaZthC3TYk-1 Part 1 - login: In the login part, we use art lettering, the main body in black and interspersed green, to set up special commemorative digital pages. Thus, maintain the consistency of the design. The login pages contain the textbox of username and password with the login button, this has provided the clear instruction for user understanding. The home page provides the summary of the user on how ma...
The task that user do 1.Make an appointment for garbage disposal 2.Make a factory appointment 3.Make app payment Video for user 1 doing 3 task Video for user 2 doing 3 task Video for user 3 doing 3 task This content is made by Interviewer : Fu Wan Qian Video taker : Liz Wong Wan Qi Video editing : Liz Wong Wan Qi & Fu Wan Qian
1.0 User Analysis 1.1 Proposed task Disposal of Garbage: This task involves navigating the website to find information and services related to the disposal of garbage for both home and business users. Users will be observed as they explore options for trash collection, recycling, yard waste, and other related services. The focus is on understanding how easily users can locate relevant information and initiate the disposal process. Visit Tour: Users will be prompted to explore different sections of the website, simulating a visit tour experience. This task assesses the website's navigation and layout, evaluating the user's ability to understand the structure of the information presented. Payment: The third task involves simulating the payment process on the website. Users will be observed as they attempt to pay bills, exploring the available payment options. 1.2 Persona 1.2.1 Persona 1 (Potential Employees) Mr. Dong Fu is...
this prototype application aims to provide convenient and specialized solutions for garbage disposal, ranging from trash collection and recycling to large cleanups and industrial waste management. User login page and home page Main function and sub-function page Task 1 Diposal garbage Task 2 Visit tour Task 3 Payment and succesful page LINK FOR THE PROTOTYPE https://www.figma.com/proto/w9rcUIrbXgwhKqF2vv84YA/Untitled?type=design&node-id=13-2&t=mamHZLkSBoUTz6IP-1&scaling=scale-down&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=13%3A2&mode=design
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